Meneghello is committed to adhering to the rules of occupational health and safety set out by:
Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984
Occupational Safety and Health Regulations 1996
ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) Management System
Meneghello aims to remove or reduce the risks to the health, safety and welfare of all its workers, contractors and stakeholders. We constantly consider those who may be affected by our business operations by continually identifying hazards, managing and monitoring risks and implementing safe systems of work.
Safety is improved by ensuring that:
Employees, contractors and visitors complete a company OH&S induction prior to the commencement of work
Employees are given instruction on correct techniques for performing the job, incorporating instruction of safe working practices and procedures and an awareness of all hazards associated with their work
The appropriate resources and efforts are effectively utilised in the areas of accident and injury prevention
Employees participate in improving standards of workplace safety and health
Management consults and cooperates with the safety committee on workplace safety and health issues
Management is held accountable for the implementation of this policy
Employees must ensure that they follow all OH&S policies and procedures, report all hazards to their supervisors, and ensure their own safety, the safety of fellow employees and all persons on the worksite.